Hive Merrimack-1
County: Merrimack
Bee Race: Italian
Source: Split from over wintered colony
Queen: 1st Year
Hive Name: Bob
Hive details:
- 10 Frame Langstroth
- 8" off the ground
- hive entrance: 1/2 inch high, 3 inches long
- upper entrance: 1/2 inch W X 1/4 inch H
- bottom board : solid bottom board
- Stack (bottom to top):
deep,deep,deep,insulation,2 inch polystyrene,inner cover,
- Winterization:
1" Polystyrene under hive, 2" Polystyrene on top, wintering
inner cover, hive wrapped in 2 inch polystyrene
- 2/24/21 - Bees are looking strong, no sign of moisture issues
- 3/7/21 - sensor battery died
- 3/27/21 - Hive declined quite a bit since last check; moved to a NUC and replaced the queen.
2/24/21 : no sign of mold or moisture
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