Hive Ital1 - Bee Cozy over Colony Quilt
County: Belknap
Bee Race: Italian
Source: 2021 Package
Queen: 1st Year
Hive Name: Ital1
Hive details:
- 10 Frame Langstroth
- Wrapped on 11/4/21
- Stack: Medium,Medium,Medium,Medium
- Winterization:
Bee Cozy over Colony quilt
closed bottom board with 1/2" polystyrene &
wrapped hive stand with reflectix
3" foam board insulation on top of inner cover
bottom entrance : 1" x 1/4"
top entrance : 1/4"x1/4"
- sensor "outside hive" is the one between the wrap & woodenware
- sensor "above lower broodbox" is above box 2 in stack.
- ignore all data before 11/4 data for sensor "outside the hive"
- 11/26 - had a rain/snow storm starting in the afternoon.
- added 4 lb candy board on 11/30. Candy board has 1/2" hardware
cloth covered with wax paper & sugar mixed with a little water to
harden it. so the bees can access the sugare, there is a small channel
(~1/2") down the middle with no wax paper or sugar.
Reflectix stapled to candy board to act as a flange to prevent
air from coming in the small space where the HW cloth is stapled
to the frame. Reflextix goes over the colony quilt but under the
-12/17/21 - bees flying most using upper entrance
- colony gets direct sun from ~8:30-2:45 in the winter
- 1/12/22 - candy board had been /12-3/4 consumed..
added ~ 0.5 lbs sugar bricks on north side of candy board because
bees were covering almost all of the candy board, front to back, left
to right
- 2/3/22 - bees flying @ 1pm using upper entrance
- 2/10/22 - added 1- 0.6oz sugar brick on south side.
- 2/23/22 - cleansing flights using both entrances
- 3/2/22 - added 1/2 global pollen patty on south side
- 3/10/22 - sunny, fully opened top entrance during the day (closed after 5pm). bees using both entrances.
- 3/11/22 - cloudy/filtered sun. Opened upper entrance during the day - bees using both entrances

Live Stream
Sensor location notes: "Outside hive" is the the woodenware sensor
"Outside" (pink line) is not from a sensor. It data pulled by broodminder from a weather data site.